We believe the most important element in our farming practices is an abundant amount of TLC!
Committed to providing healthy, healing alternatives through Apitherapy!
Billy’s Goat Hill Farm aka Bee Attitudes Api-Therapy Apiary, started as a dream in the heart of a young boy many years ago.
Our goal and passion is centered around being good stewards to all the blessings God has entrusted to us.
Apitherapy ~ Healing from the Bee Hives, with Bee Venom Therapy and API-AIR treatments has delivered a drug free life for our family!
The farm has grown to include:
- honeybees
- goats
- rabbits
- free range chickens and heritage turkeys
- raised bed gardens
- culinary & medicinal herbs
- fruit tees
- berry bushes
We also offer homesteading classes.
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